
Get up and running with Simple Translator in no more than 10 minutes.

This quickstart guide will show you the basic usage of Simple Translator. If you want to learn more details, head over to the tutorial.

1. Installation

Simple Translator can be installed from npm:

# npm
npm install @andreasremdt/simple-translator

yarn add @andreasremdt/simple-translator

If you don't want to install a dependency and prefer to directly load Simple Translator into the browser, you can use unpkg:


2. Import & Initialization

Import the Translator class into your JavaScript file. Depending on your setup, you can either use ESM or CommonJS.

// ESM
import Translator from "@andreasremdt/simple-translator";

// CommonJS
var Translator = require("@andreasremdt/simple-translator");

If you loaded the library via unpkg, you can skip this step, as the Translator class will be available globally.

Initialize the Translator class and provide some (optional) options to configure its behavior. You don't need to pass any configuration, the default options will be used instead.

var translator = new Translator({

3. Preparing the HTML

Add data-i18n attributes to all HTML elements that you want to translate.

<p data-i18n="header.title"></p>

This will replace the textContent of the paragraph with your translation, coming from the translation resource. You can set data-i18n to all HTML elements that can have textContent.

4. Translating the HTML

Finally, you can use the API to add languages and translate the HTML page.

var germanTranslation = {
  header: {
    title: "Eine Überschrift",

translator.add("de", germanTranslation).translatePageTo("de");

You can register as many languages as you want. Keep in mind that the JSON structure in each corresponding language file should be consistent, otherwise, things might break.