API Reference

This reference provides you with an overview of all methods and configuration options.

This API reference will provide you with an overview of what methods and options are available with Simple Translator. If you'd rather have a step-by-step guide on how to integrate this library into your app, have a look here.

new Translator(Object?: options)

Creates a new instance of the translator. You can define multiple instances, although this should not be a use-case. Only accepts one parameter, a JavaScript Object, with some custom options.

import Translator from '@andreasremdt/simple-translator';

var translator = new Translator();

// or with options:
var translator = new Translator({


When initializing the Translator class, you can pass an object for configuration. By default, the following values apply:

var translator = new Translator({
  defaultLanguage: 'en',
  detectLanguage: true,
  selector: '[data-i18n]',
  debug: false,
  registerGlobally: '__',
  persist: false,
  persistKey: 'preferred_language',
  filesLocation: '/i18n',
Key Type Default Description
defaultLanguage String en' The default language, in case nothing else has been specified.
detectLanguage Boolean true If set to true, it tries to determine the user's desired language based on the browser
selector String [data-i18n] Elements that match this selector will be translated.
debug Boolean false When set to true, helpful logs will be printed to the console. Valuable for debugging and problem-solving.
registerGlobally String or Boolean '__' When set to a String, it will create a global helper with the same name. When set to false, it won't register
persist Boolean false When set to true, the last language that was used is saved to localStorage.
persistKey String preferred_language Only valid when persist is set to true. This is the name of the key with which the last used language is stored in
filesLocation String /i18n The absolute path (from your project's root) to your localization files.

translateForKey(String: key, String?: language)

Translates a single translation string into the desired language. If no second language parameter is provided, then:

  • It utilizes the last used language (accessible via the getter currentLanguage, but only after calling translatePageTo() at least once.
  • If no previously used language was set and the detectLanguage option is enabled, it uses the browser's preferred language.
  • If detectLanguage is disabled, it will fall back to the defaultLanguage option, which by default is en.
var translator = new Translator({
  defaultLanguage: 'de',

// -> translates to English (en)
translator.translateForKey('header.title', 'en');

// -> translates to German (de)

translatePageTo(String?: language)

Note that this method is only available in the browser and will throw an error in Node.js.

Translates all DOM elements that match the selector ('[data-i18n]'by default) into the specified language. If no language is passed into the method, thedefaultLanguagewill be used. After this method has been called, theSimple Translatorinstance will remember the language and make it accessible via the gettercurrentLanguage.

var translator = new Translator({
  defaultLanguage: 'de',

// -> translates the page to English (en)

// -> translates the page to German (de)

add(String: language, Object: translation)

Registers a new language to the translator. It must receive the language as the first and an object, containing the translation, as the second parameter. The method add()returns the instance of Translator, meaning that it can be chained.

  .add('de', {...})
  .add('es', {...})

remove(String: language)

Removes a registered language from the translator. It accepts only the language code as a parameter. The method remove()returns the instance of Translator, meaning that it can be chained.


fetch(String|Array: languageFiles, Boolean?: save)

Fetches either one or multiple JSON files from your project by utilizing the Fetch API. By default, fetched languages are also registered to the translator instance, making them available for use. If you just want to get the JSON content, pass false as an optional, second parameter.

You don't have to pass the entire file path or file extension (although you could). ThefilesLocation option will determine the folder. It's sufficient just to pass the language code.

var translator = new Translator({
  filesLocation: '/i18n'

// Fetches /i18n/de.json
translator.fetch('de').then((json) => {

// Fetches "/i18n/de.json" and "/i18n/en.json"
translator.fetch(['de', 'en']).then(...);

// async/await
// The second parameter is set to `false`, so the fetched language
// will not be registered.
var json = await translator.fetch('de', false);

get currentLanguage

By default, this returns the defaultLanguage. After calling translatePageTo(), this getter will return the last used language.

var translator = new Translator({
  defaultLanguage: 'de',

// -> "de"

// Calling this methods sets the current language.

// -> "en"